Providing flexible, individual, top quality learning, delivered in enjoyable and interesting courses.

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The LSJ has been teaching journalism and creative writing for almost 100 years - and unlike most ‘schools’ who offer online courses, we are a real school, staffed by real journalists and writers who enjoy working with real students.

We continue to lead the way in developing new and effective teaching methods. The result is demonstrated by the success of our students.

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Image for Subediting


Although writers attract the plaudits (and brickbats) of the literary world, those who work on the…

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Feedback from our students

It has been absolutely a wonderful experience doing the course at the School. I am highly indebted and in awe of my tutor. His advice and guidance comes in handy with every line that I write. I would also like to pass on the credit to my tutor for the reader response and various congratulatory calls that I receive after each article. My editor too is very happy with my work.
Rachna S
I have been out of touch for a while as I have been busy with magazine work. My article idea from assignment 7 was accepted by Asian Geographic and I have also done four features (text and images) for airline magazines in the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates.
Katherine J
I had done a little writing before I enrolled on the course, but I learned so much. I had one story accepted by My Weekly during the course and have since had another piece published by People's Friend. Sue Moorcroft is so encouraging and supportive. The course assignments are challenging but realistic and I found studying with the London School of Journalism a rewarding experience.
Marjorie J
Yes, it's great to be doing a course through LSJ again, let's hope I have as much success with this course!! I'm absolutely snowed under with deadlines and I have to say the freelance journalism course has to be the best (and most profitable!) course I've ever done. Writing a novel is something which I've always wanted to do, so fingers crossed!
Helga JF
Many thanks for your sound advice and encouragement, even after some hefty periods of silence from me. I am impressed with the quality of LSJ's distance course. I'm a better writer because of it which makes it more than worth the money and effort. It was a bargain.
Bruce M
I am so pleased that I followed this course with LSJ. LSJ was initially recommended to me by a Czechoslovakian gentleman who worked for the BBC and now lives his retirement in London. He without doubt lead me to the right and best place. I have no hesitation in recommending LSJ to anyone since I know how valuable your lessons are.
Elmo D
The course has provided me with the skills needed to set out alone, particularly with an understanding of the business end of freelance journalism and how to get published rather than just purely focusing on the actual writing. I found LSJ provided me with excellent service - even though I was based on the other side of the world!
Lucy B
I just wanted to send you a final note to say a great big 'THANKS'. Your comments, suggestions and encouragement were a big factor in my decision to study for an MA as a technical author. Which along with freelancing will make a very enjoyable working life.
Ray D
I had an incredible time discovering writers I had failed to read at undergraduate level and re-discovering writers whom I had not read for over 20 years. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in reading some of the greatest literature this country has produced.
Ben D
Thank you SO MUCH for all of your help, feedback and encouragement as you have tutored me these last months. I have really appreciated and valued your insights and shared knowledge. You have encouraged me as writer, and helped me to sharpen my skills. I have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent in lessons, on assignments, and with your feedback. Honestly, I'm just sad that it's over!
Kristen F
Thanks to both of you for being firstly so quick at getting Lessons and Assignments back to me and for your encouragement and support for helping me to complete my Diploma and learn new skills which I am now successfully using as a Deputy Editor for a regional film magazine and website. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, particularly the travel and writing for TV & Radio assignments.
Shizana A tutor Ken Ashton will be happy to know that now my articles appear frequently in the local press and I will continue to send articles from Australia to Sri Lanka. I am very glad that I followed the LSJ course and for all the encouragement I got from my tutor. Please convey my regards to him.
Oscar F

Postgraduate Course in Journalism

Postgraduate Diploma courses offer one of the best routes into modern journalism.

Journalism is changing rapidly, and we make certain that our students fully understand what is required for today - and for tomorrow - so that each individual can maximise the chances of achieving their personal goals.

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Some recent employers of our students:

Girls sitting around a table and writing

Every year employees at hundreds of companies and governmental and non-governmental agencies from all over the world receive training in writing and journalism skills from the London School of Journalism. The largest single reason is ‘word of mouth’ recommendations - from within the industry and from our students, past and present - and because the quality of our courses and the skill of our tutors have been established for almost 100 years.

Students from the LSJ consistently demonstrate a good grasp of the practical skills and requirements, and obviously have been taught what is needed to be successful journalists.
Headshot photo of Tony Maddox
Tony Maddox, Managing Director, CNN International Atlanta.

Whether you are an overseas student or based in the UK, our summer school provides a unique opportunity for you to acquire the fundamental skills required and to receive professional journalism training in small, friendly groups, while at the same time enjoying the sights and culture of London.

LSJ Summer School

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